Column 6 of the homeopathic table of ancient plants by Michal Yakir

Michal Yakir Continues The Journey To The Secrets Of The Unknown Conifers - Pines, Cupresses & Junipers - The begin of the play of the Feminin and Maskulin

seminar online series of 4 meetings: 02.02.2024 | 23.02.2024 | 22.03.2024 | 12.04.2024

seminar language is Englisch



 Dear colleagues,  


in order to understand the topics, themes and qualities of the conifer group - column 6 of the ancient plant table - we traveled in the first cycle far into the past to the secrets of the conifers with Michal Yakir.


We realize how the Mesozoic period is the main time to define the evolution of the conifers, a period during which high, giant conifers, evolved in parallel with the dinosaurs.


In the first cycle of lectures, we got to know remedies of some very ancient conifers, such as Agathis australis (Kauri tree) or Dacrydium cupressinum (RIMU). And went on to research the “HEIGHT” quality in the Abies, araucaria and the mighty Ceders.


The conifers contain all the secrets and wisdom of the ancient plants, all the evolutionary innovations and developmental steps from the mosses to the Lycophites, Ferns, Cycodophyta and Gnetophyta. These have a broad healing spectrum for the widespread diseases of people today and also for old deep-seated traumas.


The group of the conifers contains about 40 remedies. So, there are still many remedies to be explored! Thus, our journey continues with farther old and new remedies of the conifers, starting on February 2, 2024 with the 2nd cycle.


In this new cycle, Michal will further illuminate and deepen the topics of the conifers and we will get to know more new remedies and old remedies as well in a very new light. We will delve into the Pines,  Cupressues and Junipers, even the Sabina, which is also a Conifer, and see how the issue of Masculine and Feminine difference start to play, in addition to the “height” quality we talked of – as a preparation for awareness that will be built.


Michal uses conifer remedies in her practice more and more as those are remedies that suit the people of our time in their new pursuit of wholeness. It is important to her that the qualities and themes of conifers are more widely and deeply known in homeopathy so that we can safely and more often prescribe those Conifers, old and new alike in practice. 


We look forward to meet you! 

General Seminar Information

The medical course leader is Dr. Joachim Siebenwirth. 16 DZVhÄ Germany continuing education points for the homeopathy diploma and 16 UE points for Naturopaths and alternative Practitioner. 

Seminar language is English, we offer simultaneous translation in other languages as well, please ask any time.


Seminarfee for these 4 online meetings - the 2nd Cycle of the Conifers - is € 240.- ; and for students € 180.- (Please send a copy of your student card, thank you!) Each meeting lasts 3.5 hours, including a break of about 30 minutes


This online livestream seminar is available in all time zones of the world. Please note time changes in seasons, thank you! 

02.02.2024 begin at 3 pm GERMAN TIME till 6.30 pm GERMAN time, including a Tea break

23.02.2024 begin at 3 pm GERMAN TIME till 6.30 pm GERMAN time, including a Tea break

15.03.2024  begin at 3 pm GERMAN TIME till 6.30 pm GERMAN time, including a Tea break

12.04.2024  begin at 3 pm GERMAN TIME till 6.30 pm GERMAN time, including a Tea break



We videorecord all meetings and these recordings are available to you for 5 weeks after the livestream meeting. So you can catch up on missed meetings or deepen your knowledge.   

You have questions? PLEASE ask  ANY TIME!

Registration Konifer seminar Cycle 2 begin 02.02.2024

Please don't transfer money before you get confirmation of registration. Please ensure that the wired amount matches the exact seminar fee. Any accrued bank commissions must be paid from your end. Thank you!  Audio and video recordings are not permitted in any form!

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